Tuesday 13 February 2007


Putting an idea into reality (regardless of how brilliant it is), can be quite time consuming. Especially as it sometimes evolves and gets altered along the way.

And sometimes ideas, which are brought into this world out of frustration and failure of another great idea, are more complicated than they seemed when they were merely just a thought.

But on the other hand, ideas like these sometimes actually are just as brilliant as you thought and at the end of the day they really were worth the effort (At least in, at times, a perfectionist sick mind like mine).

However, Sundays can be spent in many different ways. But when your name is Ulrica and you are “nesting”, it can be spent like this:

Try to saw the bamboo stick you nicked in a dark back ally late on Friday night into the perfect length without a metric band, foldable rule or similar. (Bamboo stick is meant to become your new curtain rail (and suits your idea perfectly of having natural earthy colours and materials as your accessories in your otherwise very white new bedroom)).

This procedure requires several turns back and forth to the bedroom with the stick in your hands, just to conclude that: no - just a couple of centimetres’ more, no – just another cm, no - actually another couple of millimetres…. before you reach the perfect length. (For you ever in doubt, yes size really does matter!)

You also have to remember to make tracks in the bamboo stick for the fishing line you bought the day before, which will function as an invisible curtain holder.

Tie the fishing line so hard that you almost break the stick at one of the ends, as it is a bit fragile just there, because that’s where you accidentally managed to do some damage with the miserable little saw you also bought yesterday…

Put the bamboo stick in place.

Start pulling threw the brown fringes that will make up your curtain. (The fringes came attached to curtain rails when you bought them, but as you didn’t like those curtain rails particularly much you decided to take them apart and create your own curtain instead. And this disassembly only took an hour or so….)

Notice how the fishing line actually is too flexible for the hold-the-fringes-tight-to-the-bamboo-stick purpose and will sack too much for your liking. So you need to do something about it, otherwise all your efforts so far will be all in vain.

Luckily you bought some hooks a few days ago that might come in handy right now… So you get them out and start looking for cracks in the backside of your bamboo stick, where you more easily will be able to screw the hooks into it. (For you who don’t know – bamboo is a very hard material. That’s why they are able to use it around here, instead of metal scaffolds, when they build their sky scrapers and other buildings).

Attach the fishing line to your newly screwed in hooks. Continue to pull through the rest of your brown fringes until there are no more to be pulled through. You’re done!

Now take some time to admire your new creation, beautiful… And realise that the hooks most likely also can function as holders of the “light-blocker” you desperately want for your big lovely windows. Cause as it is now, far too much light comes through those windows for allowing you to have any sleep-in mornings at all. And the curtains you just have created are more for style than light-blocking function of course, so you actually need something that functions too….

But you don’t have anything at home that can work as dark light-blockers, so you need to go shopping. And important missions like that can’t wait until tomorrow...

Not even though it’s 7pm on a Sunday night and you actually are very tired after creating your perfect creation, especially as you only slept a few hours the night before – and really should be wearing your Dior sunglasses even though you're inside, as your eyes fell strangely sore after last nights club-hopping…

So off you go to IKEA. (It’s only a 50 min walk from where you live – and walking never killed no one…!)


Evalinn said...

Ha ha ha...I´m sure it looks great now! Though after reading this, I´m perfectly happy with the decision to not have any curtains at all! (Thought too much light does come in...)

Vän av ordning said...

Ullis! Finns det ingen liten kines som kan hjälpa Dig med handarbetet? Nåväl, Du får fotodokumentera framstegen framöver för att frambringa folkets förväntade fnissande!
Mah jong!

ulrica said...

Men hallå...!
Det var ju en bild med ju på underverket... Bamboo pinnen och de bruna frans gardinerna och allt!
Dessutom gillar jag att leka hany-man myself. I'm good with my hands... ;-)

Vän av ordning said...

Happy Valentine's Day, dear Ulrica!!