Sunday 3 August 2008

good and bad

As I flew home to HK again Friday I sat in my window seat and looked out at the blue sky and all the pretty clouds. The world looks so pure and beautiful up there. As we came into landing in HK, my view over the blue sky and the clouds also became a view of blue water and green mountains. Beautiful.

I must say that I feel very privileged living here and now, in these modern times. In just a few hours you can easily fly from one country to an other, even from one continent to an other. We live in international times, the job market is open for us in different countries and hence, I'm living a good life in HK. The money keeps rolling in, I can buy myself new clothes, shoes and handbags, I have no problem getting food on my table everyday and I pay money to exercise... Not to forget that I also can treat myself to paradise holidays. So yes, life is good.

It all makes it easy to forget all those people that are not that fortunate. All those people that die everyday from starvation and diseases. The ones that live, but live in poverty, war and despair. It makes it easy to forget that my good living has a definite negative impact on these people as well as on the earth.

In a few years time the sky might not be that blue and the mountains that green. (I'm living in a highly polluted city now, and most days the sky here isn't blue because of all the horrible things that we produce down here on earth).

So we better really start embracing what we've got and start taking better care of it and each other, before it's too late.

Love and peace


Anonymous said...

Hi Stranger,
I have been keeping up with your news, but don't get around to saying Hi - so "Hi". Things sound good with you, just wondering if you are going to be around HK on the 21st/22nd August? Andrew & I are going to Macau for five days, and thought we would stop in and say hi for a couple of days. Haven't confirmed exact flights yet, but it may work that Andrew will go back on the 21st and I'll spend an extra day in Hong Kong and go back on the 22nd, depending on what you are up to. You have enticed me to join blogspot - but I'm only a learner so be gentle - Not to your standard yet - but working on it! I'll get in touch in the next couple of days and confirm flight times etc.

ulrica said...

Yes yes come and see me, I'm here!!

Kris said...

That was a nice blog. You do need to look around and take in the fortune we have sometimes. Its good to see. Even though sometimes its hard. x