Wednesday 2 May 2007

muay thai

You might just have heard about it, or seen it on TV— the furious punches, crushing elbow strikes, lethal kicks, powerful grappling and artful feints. Muay Thai, also known as Thai Boxing, is the Thai name for a form of hard martial art practiced in several Southeast Asian countries including Hong Kong. Muay Thai is referred to as "The Science of Eight Limbs", as the hands, shins, elbows and knees are all used extensively.

So when we got offered to buy tickets to go and experience a proper fight night, we did. The fight night was Monday night, and off to experience this was Tiina, Juuse, me and Ben (“the cute guy from the restaurant down the street”).

And let me tell you, seeing fights like these executed to loud cheers and heart-racing tune of an accompanying wind-and-percussion ensemble is really cool. It is hard core, sweat and blood is shed and it is filled of adrenaline. (Even I, just sitting there watching, got all pumped up and I was kind of surprised of how much I enjoyed watching men beating the hell out of each other…).

Sum up: fun, exciting and cool. We had a good time, all of us enjoyed our evening event and think we definitely might go and see more fights in the future. (Actually, my box-instructor Joey will fight on the 2nd of June in Macau, I might just be in the audience then…).


Anonymous said...

tjenare ullis!

det där låter hur kul som helst!!



ulrica said...

Wow, välkommen till min blogg!! Vad kul att du har tittat in!

Jep, det var riktigt kul och min fighting spirit växte för varje slag, så mot slutet var jag övertygad att jag skulle nog kunna gå upp i den där ringen och ta dem allihopa... ;)

Kärlek tillbaka.

Anonymous said...

välkommen och välkommen...jag har läst din blogg ett tag nu :)

Kan tänka mig att man rycks med!
Har du kommit in i livet där nere?
Hur länge blir du där?

kärlek igen

ulrica said...

jaha, jo det kanske du har gjort, men det var i alla fall första gången du skrev nåt. Och kommentarer gillar jag!! så fortsätt med det :)

Yes, trivs mycket bra här och har faktiskt ingen aning om hur länga jag blir kvar här, tar dagen som den kommer...
