Wednesday 16 December 2009

and then

After the fight I just couldn't stop smiling. I was on such a high.
Which was perfect.
Perfect since we were heading out for victory celebrations!
So we popped the champagne and hit town for what became a celebration that lasted 2 days.

Many more bottles of champagne was drunk and we topped up with shots and some redbulls and vodka as well. We might have arrived in Singapore with bodies that were our temples, but we left that city with bodies like sheds...
But we had fun!

To have wonderful people around one self is soooo important, even more so when living away from home. And with these girls (Vusi included even though he is a man...) around me, I sure do have just that.

Oh, and the quote for the weekend: Stop wanking that cat!

1 comment:

Miss Upsey Daisy said...

Du är så tuff. Vilken grej. Jag sitter här och är grymt imponerad ända från tårna. Klart man ska fira med bubbel. Fattas annat!