Sunday 17 June 2007

shouldn't and don't

There are always things you do that you probably shouldn't... And there are also things that you don't do, but if you did them it wouldn't hurt at all, to be honest it would probably be pretty good...

So on my fun, relaxing and somewhat drunk Saturday yesterday I did the following things that I shouldn't:

  • Stayed in bed until it was almost noon... (what a waste of time...but oh so good and comfy my bed is...)
  • Spent more than 2 hours in the sun by my beautiful pool without sunscreen... (definitely not good for those wrinkles that I am so obsessed about... however I didn't get burnt or anything, so I'm hoping I didn't do too much damage...)
  • Ridden a (white and red) fast motorcycle in only shorts and a sleeve-less top... (I would have been nothing but a mess if something had happened... although I must say that I love the speed and that warm wind against the skin feels like a soft caress...)
  • Chosen to put on those high heels when I went out as I ended up walking barefoot through the streets of HK when we went club-hopping... (broken glass, cockroaches and bare feet really isn't the nicest combination...)
  • Have had those shots when I already had had that many cocktails... (should know better really, but I wasn't the only one to get pretty tipsy... two Finnish friends of mine (no names mentioned) also seemed to get affected by those shots in the same way as I did...)
  • Kissed a guy that I know are really interested in me when I am not... That's just not a nice thing to do, neither very smart when you at the same time try to explain that you actually are not interested... (but I'm blaming the booze for my lack of judgement and the kisses were actually pretty good...)

And the things that I didn't do, but probably should have...

  • Gotten my act together earlier in the morning and gone to stability ball.
  • Put insect repellent on when I went to that chilled out beach club (the place had a great DJ and stunning view) for dinner...
  • Tried to get my heart to listen to my head for once... (A sweet, caring nice guy with good humor, high EQ, a good job, good arms and hands and nice bike :) are seriously interested in me. But this foreign babe does apparently not appreciate that, cause her heart does not beat any faster at all... ) (so typical me...)


Vähän raskaana said...

Ha haha..I'm not confessing to anything.

ulrica said...

Tiina, as I said - no names mentioned, so you don't have to confess... (but you are Finnish and you are my best friend over here....)

Vähän raskaana said...

I had to practice for the upcoming midsommer cruise so you guys won't drink me under the table.

Helan går, sjung hopp faderallan lej..

Evalinn said...

One thing u shouldn´t do is forget about Midsommer tomorrow!

Glad Midsommar Ullis!