Tuesday 22 September 2009


I got an email sent to me today.
And the email made me feel incredible nervous. And right now I'm questioning myself... Why on earth did I ever decide on doing this?!

Anyway, email read: Your opponent is very fit cardio wise so I would recommend making sure you work hard on the cardio and don't run out of steam. The first time fighting is very tiring and its important to control your breathing to prevent lactic acid build up.

So guess what I am dong tonight... Yep, hitting the gym.


Vähän raskaana said...

Wow..but I'm sure you're super fit cardio wise as well. And you'll probably be a lot taller. Happy training! I should start hitting the gym a lot more often myself.

ulrica said...


But that's the thing - I'm NOT... Went for a 5km run for the first tiem in years the other day and more or less died... So this girl needs to improve on all levels asap. No mercy!