Tuesday 8 September 2009

kiss or hug

Cheek kissing is an artform.
Especially when you come from a country where you greet your friends with a hug.

I find it is quite easy to be too "aggressive" when it comes to kisses on the cheek, which means that I bang my cheek into the other persons cheek. Not so nice, since it actually can hurt.
And during hot humid days, which we have quite a few of here in HK, it is not unlikely that that bang kiss becomes a bang and slide kiss due to the sweat on both persons cheeks... Not so nice either, since you end up with your face in someones hair.
And then we have the awkwardness of not hitting the target right at all. Like this evening when I was walking back from the gym and saw my boxing instructor. We missed and I ended up kissing him on the lips. OK, not all that bad since I think he is one of the most gorgeous men in town, but still - a bit awkward...

But I guess that hugging can become an issue as well. Take these hot and humid days again, well you don't really want to through your arms around someone and share that sweat that is dripping down your back... And also, you can be taken advantage of when telling people that you are used to hugging instead of cheek kissing... An example for you: after a couple of drinks a few months ago as I was saying good bye to the guy who I had had the drinks with, I leaned in to give and receive the obligatory cheek kisses, but found myself literally being grabbed and hugged instead. OK (again), not all that bad since this guy is tall, dark and handsome - well quite yummy to be honest, and to tell you the truth (again) - I really didn't mind. But still, completely taken by surprise...

I might just start being old fashioned Swedish and shake hands only.
But then again, maybe not...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A big kiss from your faithful R.