Thursday 5 March 2009


She's sure, my now ex-opponent, she will not be boxing...
I'm surely disappointed.
However, if I'm lucky - meaning that I after all get to fight, my new opponent is a I-kick box-cause-I-love-to-hurt-and-I-have-black-eyes-that-say-I-will-fuckin'-kill-you-! girl from Korea. I call her the crazy bitch... but her name is Cara.


But nothing is decided yet, she might be too little for me, and if it's decided that she is too little, well then I will not be kicking any ones ass for Charity anymore. Damn it!

However, they tell me to continue training like there is a fight in 3 weeks time. So I punch hard over and over again til my hands shake and I run, fast, even though I hate running...


Anonymous said...

Jag håller tummarna för att hon ändrar sig och vill "slåss" mot dig!
/Kram S

ulrica said...

Ilissa?! Hon har ju som sagt redan bestamt sig, hon kommer inte boxas. Sa nu ar det upp till WWCBA, World White Collar Boxing Association, att bestamma om Cara ar en lamplig motstandare eller ej. Och det lutar mot ej, da hon ar 10 kg lattare an mig... Sa jakla typiskt...