Wednesday 18 March 2009

hair cut

Why do you think it's so hard for the hair dressers over here to understand the sentence: I do not want my hair to be cut in layers!?

Every time I walk out from the hair dresser my hair is cut in even more layers than it was when I got there... Drives me insane!

OK, it looks fab when I walk out of there, since they have blow dried it, straightened it, sprayed it etc. But on a normal lazy day, when I don't do all those things, I look terrible. My hair is not straight naturally, my hair goes here, there and everywhere naturally. Layers make it worse, hence me always asking for no layers. But yet layers I get...

Seems like the hair dressers in HK are so used to thick, black, shiny, beautiful straight hair that probably need layers to 'happen' that they only can cut hair that way, even when the hair on this foreign babe is thin, definitely not black, nor very shiny and unfortunately not straight neither...

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