Tuesday 6 November 2007

melbourne cup

Hangin' with Aussies means that even though we live in HK, the Melbourne Cup tradition is kept. And what is it? Well, Melbourne Cup is the Horse Race day of the year down there. More or less everyone in Australia has had the day off today just because of Melbourne Cup. It's the day when people do their very best to look good and put their finest clothes on, men in suits and women in dresses and hats. And besides looking good the day is all about betting on horses of course...

(I only got half the day off though and had to beg to get those hours off.... My boss seems to think that as I already have had 8 days of holidays this year, I don't need any more, cause I'm busy... However, I do not really agree.... Anyway, what ever...)

So this morning we put our good clothes on, and at 9 we had champagne breakfast. Then we mingled with all the well dressed ladies with hats at the race course here in HK, while sipping more champagne, before we did our bets, watched the races and had a four course lunch (and more champagne). None of us won the “best dressed” competition, but then again, we didn't wear any hats...

While the others could continue there day out and about in the sun, I had to leave for work. But it was fun as long as it lasted...


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a great time, eventhough your boss is a mean one.

All my love to you and our husband.

ulrica said...

Hi Li,
It was fun! And let me tell you that by the time I met up the guys in the evening again (after work) they had had more than just champagne... It was a very intoxicated "husband" that finally hit the pillow, next to an already sleeping me, around 4 in the morning

Vän av ordning said...

Very chic!

ulrica said...

Randis, thanx!

Evalinn said...

U look great!

ulrica said...

Thanks E!