Saturday 31 March 2012

good morning to you

Woke up as per normal this Saturday at 7 am.
Teddy jumped on me to say hello and good morning to you - I want food.
He usually lands on my stomach to make sure that I wake up, as if his smiling face wouldn't be enough he also makes sure that I can't breath... 24 kg that lands directly on your stomach does that to you when you are not prepared for impact...
Anyway, it was what happened next that was not as per normal procedure...
As Teddy decided to jump off me a flea (that should not have been there in the first place)decided to leave Teddy's fur and jump onto my chest.
An intense flea hunt then was conducted in the bed for approximately 2 minutes, before the little quick f*cker was caught.
The hunt was followed by an early morning flea combing of Teddy, vacuuming the flat, washing Teddy's bedding and our bedding, going out to buy flea bombs etc etc.
Good morning to you indeed!

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