Wednesday 20 February 2008


Last week came and went very quickly.
All of a sudden it was weekend and then it was Monday again.

The water leak became a bit of a drama, management trying to blame a leak from a pipe in the roof on me, however my name got cleared after two big holes had been made in the wall and now I'm just waiting for the wall to get fixed.

The weekend consisted of 2 kinds of parties.
One kids one and one grown up one. And it was the grown up one that made me the most tired (maybe because we stayed up until 8 the next morning...). So Sunday I didn't do anything. Monday I was yawning.

Am yawning now too, should be sleeping, but sleep doesn't seem to want to come. Hopefully tomorrow I will sleep like a princess.


Evalinn said...

I´ve been sleepless too, hope to catch up this weekend when I´m at the cottage. Have a great weekend! :-)

ulrica said...

E, Thanks for your good weekend wish. And hope you've caught up on some sleep during the weekend. The words cottage sounds so relaxing to my ears (and exotic now that I live in HK...).