Sunday 24 February 2008

It's Sunday, in many ways my favorite day. It's just something about Sundays that makes them special... A sleep in, a big breakfast, soon I'll be going to the gym and afterwards I'll just relax a bit more (maybe watch a movie) before it's time to go to bed again.
But Sunday also means end of weekend, which always makes me a bit blue...

The week was busy as usual. Didn't get anything done at work, even though I did heaps...
My wall got fixed and finalized, but not without headache.
The Friday was spent with a supplier in China. Good day and good meeting.

Special events during the week was:
* My parents departure from Sweden to China (Beijing to be more specific). They are now sight seeing all they can before they continue their travels further south, to HK! Will be great to have them over here again.
* Kris found out that the new restaurant probably won't be happening... Very disappointing. But remember that the rat promises new beginnings, so maybe something else is meant to happen...


E said...

Åh, härligt med skön söndag! Och skönt att väggen blivit fixad.

Jag är avis på dina föräldrar, jag vill också se Peking!

kram kram

Anonymous said...


Ja skönt med väggen och att du snart får skönt besök!
Hälsa Kris att det kommer något annat som kankse är ännu bättre!! Råttan har ju lovat det;-)
Kram Sofia

ulrica said...

E, yep other peoples holidays always tend to leave one jealous...

Fia, will remind him of the rat...