Tuesday 20 July 2010

not easy

Swedish is not easy to learn I have understood.
At least not for some...
After months of practice.
The line that was one of the first he learnt to say.
Then he tried to spell it in a text message the other night: Sur gött.
My response: What?
He: Yeah isn't that the way you spell sleep tight in Swedish?
Me: Nope. Sov gott, would have been correct.
Not even close.
Unless he has created new language...


Miss Upsey Daisy said...

Först läste jag sur gröt..

Anonymous said...

I can't even spell in english...so you can't pick on me for not spelling correctly in Swedish!!

the only other foreign language i have learnt is italian...and in italian you spell as you say..obviously swedish is NOT like that.
