Friday 18 June 2010


It's Friday again in a city that I take more and more for granted.
But that's what you so with homes isn't it...?
Homes that are real homes.
Homes that seems like real homes.
Homes that are temporary homes.
Anyway, this city is what I call home now.
A home that to many is very foreign.
A home that is a city with many faces.
Faces that I don't show on here any longer, because I take them for g r a n t e d.
So guys, expect a few photos of HK to appear on here now and then.
Photos reflecting this vibrant city.
So I'm starting with a photo of a view that I love.
The skyline of Hong Kong island.

One of my favorite things here in HK is just crossing the harbour at night. Looking at this view while feeling the sea breeze in the face is truly special and makes my soul feel calm and good.
Have a great weekend all!