Sunday 11 December 2011

and there was silence

So sorry guys, have been MIA for almost a month...
Since I got back from my travels I have been completely snowed under in work. Not only did I have to do the normal catch up game after my days out of the office, we are also in peak season plus that we are working towards a IT deadline that is coming closer and closer by the minute. So I've have worked from 09.00 until 01.30 more or less everyday since I got back, with exception for the weekends when I have only worked a couple of hours every day...
Hence the real world has had to take priority over the blog world.

I have however done a couple of long walks during the weekends to clear my head, and the photo above is from 2 weekends ago when Teddy and I climbed up the second highest mountain in HK. Stunning views and fresh winds.


Miss Upsey Daisy said...

Låter helt galet. Lugnar det ner sig något framöver?

ulrica said...

Hmm, ja du Miss UD, det hoppasjag verkligen! Men jag har fragat mig detsamma i 2 ars tid nu... Och hitills har det varit mer eller mindre konstant hardkora...