Saturday 16 July 2011

busy working bee

I know I am neglecting the blog.
As per usual I am being a busy bee at work.
I hardly ever talk about work on the blog, although it is the one thing that takes up the most time in my life...

It is almost all good though. the busy bee part that is.
I have just signed 3 new clients, I have 2 more up my sleeve that say they are going to sign. If all this go through as I want then I can not only say that I am doing a good job, I can actually say that I am doing a bloody good job.
Because signing new clients takes time... And that together with all the micro-management that is needed when you work in HK (unfortunately) is the reason that I am such a busy bee.

Speaking of the micro-management bit, sometimes I dream that this office was situated in Sweden or somewhere else in the western world, it would be so interesting to have a team like I do here that thought for themselves, that took initiative and that didn't rely on you to make things happen regarding this that and everything. We've done really well here, but just imagine how much we could have accomplished if it was with people that didn't need the micro of the micro-management... But I guess that is also the big challenge here in HK that keeps me on my toes...

Anyway, it is weekend now.
Last night I collapsed on the sofa with a chocolate brownie in my hand. I fell asleep 3 times whilst eating the cake, so in the end I just shoved it down and went to bed instead.

Have a great weekend all.
I'm off to a girls night with PJ's on, pizza, home made chocolate cake and Bollywood movies.
Bring it on!


Evalinn said...

Det låter som en härlig helg! :-)

Miss Upsey Daisy said...

Låter helt enkelt jätteskönt..