Tuesday 6 July 2010

i spy

Picture Sweden an early Monday morning.
It is summer and you are heading out on a little road trip at 5a.m.
You might very well then keep count on the deers you see on the fields you pass.
Or if you don't see any deers, you might just count red cars, just to keep you occupied...

Picture India an early Monday morning.
It is summer and you are heading out on a little road trip to Taj Mahal at 5a.m.
You don't see any deers on the fields.
You see squatting men.
Men that are having a poo.
By 6 o'clock you have already seen 20 men having a shit by the side of the road, so you stop counting.

I spy with my little eye something beginning with p...

1 comment:

Miss Upsey Daisy said...

Ofräscht! Såg inget sådant men jag var där på kvällen förvisso..