Friday 6 April 2007

easter hiking

My friend Jon is visiting from Sweden, and on top of our agenda is hiking. Yesterday we started up with a walk that made us puff a bit, but it was all ok and it was not too long. Today we thought that a bigger and more challenging walk would do us good. And it did! Just that it was pretty damn tough...

6 hours of walking up and down two peaks (the two highest in HK) surely make your legs feel used (almost abused...). As I started writing this post, Jon protested as I wrote the headline and thought that "a hike from hell" would be a more appropriate name for it... And I guess that gives you an idea of how we were feeling at times throughout it. But it feels good now!! And most of the time it felt good during as well, just made us huff, puff and sweat a lot.

Towards the end we also got to experience a quite spiritual and beautiful as well as unexpected moment. As we where taking our last 5 minute break the heavy clouds that had been surrounding us all day dispersed and the biggest sitting bronze Buddha in Asia appeared in front of us. It felt like it gave us the strength we needed to walk the last kilometers of the hike. A very special ending to this exhausting walk.

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