Thursday, 30 April 2009
sunny house hunting
After two weekends of rain it actually looks like this one will be relatively sunny. And to make things even better it's a long-weekend! No one is happier than I!
Most likely going for a kike tomorrow and then at night it's party time! A friend is coming to town for the weekend so out we go.
Also think I might do a little bit of house hunting... Which actually will be fun since it seems like there's a lot of flats out there this time around and the prices are low (well low for HK that is...). So I'm hoping to end up with a bigger and better place to a lower price than I'm paying today. Fingers crossed.
To all of you out there - have a great weekend and to you guys in Sweden - have a lovely Valborg!
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Monday, 27 April 2009
hard cooking
Where I used to have a stove, I now have a hole.
Makes cooking quite hard...
One thing after an other just falls apart in this apartment.
Think it's time to move out...
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Sunday, 26 April 2009
my shoes
When I was brushing my teeth earlier today it sounded like someone was at my door.
I wasn't expecting anyone so I used my little peek hole in the door to find out what was going on outside but didn't see anyone there.
10 minutes later I walked out the door and that's when I realised what had been going on. My shoes were gone! Someone had taken 3 pairs of sneakers I had out there! So I burst out in a "what the f..k, twice!!" Not that it helped in any way, but I got angry and upset. That was MY shoes, not anyone elses, mine.
Ok 2 of them were quite well used, but I was going to take them with me to China next time I went there to give to someone who needed them (I usually bring clothes and shoes I can leave behind to people in need when I go there). But the 3rd pair they took were my very nice green Tiger sneakers. Very upsetting!
The next person I see in a pair of green sneakers is definitely going to get angry looks from grumpy me.
The song Walk a mile in my shoes suddenly has a whole new meaning to me...
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bigger & better
My gym, pure fitness, is under construction. They are expanding and once they are done they will have over 50% bigger total net area.
The changes are happening gradually, but with a quite fast pace, so every time I go there, something new has happened, what used to be on one floor is now on an other etc. And the new changing rooms are a dream, just beautiful!
Isn't great when things not only get bigger but also better!
(I'm hoping that my body will go through the same transformation, like a reaction to the changes in the gym... A bigger and better me. One can always hope hey?!)
One thing I'm sure will remain the same, regardless of all the renovation, is the the Sunday smell of the cardio area. All the people that had a big night the previous night that are there to work their bad conscious all out, bring a certain smell to the room, that old booze smell that oozes out of peoples bodies and breath the day after... Some Sundays it's like walking into a wall when you step into the room. But hey hats off to the ones that tries, when I smell like that I don't go to the gym at all, all I do is lay in bed, sit in front of the TV and eat unhealthy snacks.
Anyway, pure fitness, thanks for making my sometimes struggling work out sessions into a beautiful experience.
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Friday, 24 April 2009
hello world
I've been unreachable to the world and the world has been unreachable to me a few days.
Very annoying actually since this non-communicative state was not by choice, it was caused by a computer. My computer. That decided to die.
Not a very happy little foreign babe was/is the result.
All my info and all my photos are gone. Back up?! Well I was thinking about it...
Anyway, I say hello world and get back to getting this new computer of mine up to standards with programs that need to be added etc.
See ya.
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Saturday, 18 April 2009
Came across something incredible beautiful!
I told the whole world how much I love you.
But you frowned and left me in solitude.
Strolled to the riverside, picked up some pebbles.
I am too old to linger for you.
It's been so long since I saw you.
Spring changes into Summer, flowers flourishing.
What a waste of merriment if I'm without you.
Kazım Koyuncu, a Turkish folk-rock singer/song writer, born 1971, died during treatment for lung cancer in 2005. (His cancer is believed to have been caused by the disaster in Chernobyl 1986, where four hundred times more fallout was released than had been by the atomic bombing of Hiroshima).
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Monday, 13 April 2009
yet again
We have just had another lovely Sunday.
We spent the day in TaiO, a old fishing village in the outskirts of Hong Kong, also known as the Venice of Hong Kong. Don't really know if I think it's fair (to Venice)to use that name though, but still a beautiful place in its own way.
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Monday, 6 April 2009
lovely sunday
Some days I'm immensely happy to be living in HK.
Yesterday was one of those days.
Me and my friend Phobe took my parents for a beautiful hike, had lunch at small restaurant situated on a more or less deserted beach and then jumped on a boat and cruised the archipelago for an hour.
A lovely Sunday!
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Friday, 3 April 2009
Traditions are good.
Christmas, Easter, Midsummer and so on they all make me smile.
Traditions you create yourself are equally good.
Singapore has become a city were I go dress shopping.
Following that tradition, I had a new beautiful one with me home to HK!
The dress comes from an American designer called: beth bowley
And she thinks a rhinestone tiara can be appropriate at breakfast.
I say why not?!
Regardless of the tiara though, I feel like a princess in this one!
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Thursday, 2 April 2009
catching up
Soooorrry. I've neglected you all. Not intentionally though, it just happened, time passed and days had gone by and suddenly I'm all behind in my blogging.
Therefore I promise to give you all the gossip, and some pictures as well...
So Kris arrived on the 22nd of March. Hurray! Didn't really get up to too much (this girl still had to work and work was pretty full on last week...), but was so good to have him around again! (And now that he is gone again, I'm sad...)
Then my parents arrived on the 27th. Kris and I had prepared a big lasagna and we all just sat around and ate and talked. So nice!
Early the next morning Kris and I went to the airport to catch a flight to Singapore. We spent a relaxing weekend there, did a bit of sight seeing, spent some time by the pool and walked around holding hands and just felt content.
Monday came around, Kris had to leave and I had to go to work (Management meeting in our Singapore office). Wednesday afternoon came around and the meetings were over.
Came back to HK last night, walked into an apartment that was now smelling of coffee (and my parent have only been around for a few days :)), pulled out the inflatable mattress and fell asleep. Really good to have the parents around though, am about to go home to them now and just spend a lazy night at home catching up.
Ciao for now.
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